Saint Eligius

Nanni di Banco, Giuseppe Lelli (cast maker)
  • Thumbnail image of the artwork
  • Thumbnail image of the artwork
  • Thumbnail image of the artwork
  • Thumbnail image of the artwork
  • Thumbnail image of the artwork
Nanni di Banco
Firenze 1380/1385 körül – 1421 Firenze

Giuseppe Lelli
(cast maker)
1417–1421 (original), 1907 (cast)
plaster cast
245 × 66 × 50 cm
Sculptures - Plaster casts
Current Location of the Original Artwork
Italy, Florence, Museo di Orsanmichele

The Orsanmichele in Florence, converted into a church from a grain market from the mid-fourteenth century, was a prominent place of quattrocento sculpture thanks to its façade decoration. The guilds commissioned sculptures of their patron saints from the foremost Florentine sculptors to decorate the ground floor niches. Nanni di Banco received several such commissions, including the sculpture of Saint Eligius for the niche of the Arte dei Maniscalchi (guild of blacksmiths). The classical figure standing in contrapposto, the folds of its clothes and dignified facial expression suggest the artist’s knowledge of antique examples. The relief on the sculpture’s plinth evokes a blacksmiths’ workshop